Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Summer of difficulty

Well to start off, we didn't do the foo fighters thing on the 4th since we were nervous if we would give noro virus to max and Colleen since Riley was sick for a good while. We got better of course. 

A few weeks ago I got stranded on the side of the road with my client and I had another staff come pick him up.  My parents picked me up and we had the car towed to Matthews motors. They fixed the battery cable but that only fixed half of the problem. The main problem was the alternator, which I assumed was the problem since my car acted possessed by a ghost. Which once that was fixed my radio nob is now working much better so maybe my alternator was going out for a while. Well now I have an exhaust or catalytic converter problem. I'll get that fixed later. 

Well at the end of the month I took Aiden to galaxycon and he loved it! I wish I didn't spend so much there but it was worth it. This past paycheck wasn't the greatest since I was low on hours do too car problems and appts. 

This month has been all guests August for my podcast Scarcasm. Which has been fun I also been completing games which is a good thing! 

Also check out this shot of the storm from the other day!

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