If you know me, yiu know that I love our lake trips. Since my family after moving out of my parents has been lower middle class upper poor... going to the lake with at my uncle's lake house is our chance to live and vacation outside of our means. It was always a reminder of childhood when everything was easy and we all lived in the same house and I loved including my wife and kids in that since I couldn't provide that for them otherwise. Well that may he coming to an end. As the last post was before our 2018 lake trip and I haven't posted in nearly 2 months I thought I'd relay that here. There was a kid i played with named Timothy I didn't really see him once I entered high school much and didn't know why he never came around or went to the lake when we weren't there. Well it's because he is gay, I just found out he was this year and honestly I wasn't surprised, he was always into things like art and plays and stuff and not the manliest kids so it's what it is. But my uncle and his grandfather wasn't so accepting as me and after his grandfather died he came when everyone was there with his partner and my uncle lost his shit and is now most likely selling the lake house... It's so fucked and I don't know how to feel. Also I need better pay and everywhere I look for bettering myself and my family i just come to a dead in and I'm losing steam. Time for some bright eyes and some beer.